Mon 27 Jan
80$ InCall CLick =hErE ►💃 ) °°🍌YuM❤ YuM 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT 🍭 YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ 🍭💛 ♡ °
(Akron/Canton, 🏡🏠🏢 80$Incall 🏡🚗🏧)
▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ★★★A TRUE GentleMan Reward HimSelf★★★ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ☎CallNow☎ $80 Special before 9 am - 22
(Columbus, in call brice Rd. out calls)
BaBy LeT Me TaKe CoNtRoL- Cashmere's here call now - 19
(Cleveland, cleveland area outcalls & in call avail.)
2 sexy young ladies for 1 rest of the night!! Dont miss this deal and time of your life! - 22
(Columbus, northern columbus)
BROOKLYN Experience slippery ready to PLAY!!!!! UPSCALE MEN ONLY!!!! 2163102204 No gag Reflex - 22
(Cleveland, West Cleveland)
💋👅💦🌹young beautiful Dominican play mate fetish friendly&fun; sized NEW IN AREA🌹💦👅💋 - 18
(Cleveland, Beachwood,independence,downtown,airport)
(Y_O_U_R ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★•°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★•°° (M_E_) **2 girl specials - 20
(Cleveland, Whata BEST for U!!!)
Your Light Brown Delight is Here Open Your Gift Of Fun! - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland, W.150th)
**UltiMatE PlayDatE**#1ChOiCe $ExY whiTe GirL*50 Rose Specials💋💋 - 24
(Cleveland, Warrensville incalls only)
((There @re So M@ny Ch!oce$ {{BUT}} NoNe LiKe M3)) - 26
(Cleveland, Cleeland ( Surrounding Areas)EAST/WEST)
☆ ThE WoMaN N Me ☆ NeEdS ThE MaN In U ☆ RiDiCuLuS $PeC!AL$ ☆ ... - 21
(Cleveland, Incalls nd out;-))
ThIcK ♥o° CuRvY °o♥o° BIG °o♥o° BoOtY °o♥o° $80 spc°o♥ - 19
(Cleveland, AnYwHeRe YoU ArE.... OUTCALL ONLY)
THE Only OPTION When U N33D Pure SATIFACTION !!!!! 313 523 3899 ~ 27/4~ - 19
THE GiRL A LL G U Y S W A N T - - 23
(Cleveland, *INCALL* ( independence))
**Nurse Chris**.....1/2 hour appts. for the busy Gentleman on the go..... - 46
(Cleveland, Far East)
New pics!! Sensual + Seduction equals eruption! Without no interruptions. - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area)
*** Mature, Classy, & Of Course Sexy Lady in town *** Honesty *** - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall only)
.°:*:°. LT M B ¥0UR W@K UP! .°:*:°. IM R@D¥ N0W!! »»» 8O M0RN¡NG Sp©¡@LS!! - 20 - 21
(Cleveland, ☆BEaCHWooD iNCaLLs☆)
!!!$lipp€ry Specials 50 roses incall only !!! 100 roses outcall - 28
(Cleveland, shaker sq/kinsman area)
M.. e.. L.. t.. . with M.. e. ... ::Angelica :: C.h...o..c.. O..l..a.T.e.. T ..r...e..a..t - 23
mature Busty Brazilian Beauty ..SOPHIA ... Pure Pleasure and Passion await you! Specials Today! - 33
(Cleveland, WEST)
Its Time To Share the Love and Fun Lovin Time for the Holidays!!! Come by and spend sometime with ME - 49
KIMBER ♀ ✆☯☮❂ »-(¯`'☏'´¯)-» ❦ THE ☥ STUFF ♨ DREAMS ❦ ARE ♨ MADE ☥ OF ❦ »-(¯`'☏'´¯)-» ☯✆☮❂ ♀ 245-2775 - 25
❤ INCALL & OUTCALL ❤ Voluptuous Busty Beauty w/ Full Soft Lips 👄👄👄 Home for the Holidays - 42
(Cleveland, In town for the week!!!)
$$Juicy$$-216-672-8247 sweet & juicy (ss special)CALL!!! - 34
(Cleveland, All Cleveland west/east area)
It's My ⓁⒶⓈⓉ ✈ Night && I'm ⒽⓄⓇⓃⓎ🍆🍆 Let Me Show U How Cali Girls Get Things Done 😉😍 - 22
(Cleveland, Willoughby Incalls Only Do Not Send Text)
iM BaCk bY PoPuLAr DeMaNd... visiting INdEpEnDeNcE ~ A bEaUtIfUl BlOnDe BaRbIe ((150)) SpEcIaLs - 22
☸ (◕◡◕) ☸ {{ I'M AVAILABLE NOW!! }} 80sp {{ OutCall SPECI@L ALL Night!!! }} ☸ (◔◡◔) ☸ - 28
(Cleveland, ✉Northfield Rd Bedford✉ ☵♋INCALL/OUTCALL)