Mon 27 Jan
937-536-9948 Sexy & wild . dripping for you baby available 24/7 & now - 23
(Dayton, Springfield ohio)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K :¦:(( TREAT YOURSELF )) - - 32
(Cleveland, Middleburgh heights)
█ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ █ TWO FOR ONE SPECIALS ALL NIGHT GOREGEOUS Redhead and Brunette! █ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ █ - 21
The Hottest Women In Cleveland Incalls And Outcalls All Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, anywhere u r/ or Independence)
THE CALIFORNIA .... (APPLE) ... LaST dAy ..... (( TAKing All cALLs )) - 24
(Cleveland, beachwood...( 100/120/180 specials))
°"★"°o©" {SNEAK} °o©" {AWAY} °o©" {WITH} °o©" {ME} "©o°"★"° CaLL LeXi Now 230pm - 22
(Cleveland, beachwood/Surrounding areas/incall/out)
**Nurse Chris**.....1/2 hour appts. for the busy Gentleman on the go..... - 46
(Cleveland, Far East)
✋✋[LOOK IMMEDIATELY !!]💥 Call💢Now 💥• _$P€C!AL$_ •💢💥💢💥💢 Must SEE 👀 - 20
(Cleveland, Downtown clevelandeast side in:outcall)
★★ ————————————— [•★•] LOOKS•★• GOOD•★• FEELS •❤• EVEN •❤• BETTER [•★•] —— BETTeR THAN HER⇧AnD HER⇩ - 21
I'm Back Boys ❤ Dont Cheat yourself🙅😨 Treat yourself 😍👌🌟5 St🌟R €XPERiENCE 💞 K¡∫∫∑R 🍭 SK¡LLz - 24
(Cleveland, Westside incall only)
FreaKy To The CoRe! (♥) YoUr DiRtY LiTtLe SeCret SpEcIaLs - 35
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights Airport Area 13O)
★E __ V __ E __ R __ Y ★ M __ A __ N __ S ★ F __ A __ N __ T __ A __ S __Y !!! - 20
(¬*¬ 24hr INCaLL {{ INDEPENDENCE }})
Early🐦 $130hrb4 7am☎ 4 destini2🚿 out 🔥 of lifestress & relax in ✌serenity+ discrete quiet fantasy - 28
(Cleveland, Independently in/out 7 minsdown/newburgh)
BlonDe BomBsheLL ™ LeT Me Spice UP your WEEKEND---°° 216-319-3691°° - 24
(Cleveland, Discreet & SAFE Garfield border incall)
$$$$Brand New Heads In Town, Satisfaction to the Fullest $$$ - 23
(CLEVELAND-Out (Cleveland) and In Calls)
☆ °Black Barbie•♥•° Im °•♥•° Just °•♥•° What °•♥•° You °•♥•° Need ! °•♥ (euclid))Babbitt - 24
44G, Sweet, Sexy,Curvy, Educated - Visiting 9/20 & 9/21! Don't Miss Me! - 41
(Cleveland, Cleveleand)
50 OUTCALLs 50 Mrs Sarah on her way to warm you up DaddY ! Lorain co. West Cleveland all areas 50 *~ - 23
(Cleveland, In lorain out Cleve west side 😜👅💦 50)
216-543-7816 call me 2 sexy ladies 💙💙💙Lala💙💙💙 and ❤️❤️❤️SKY❤️❤️❤️ - 19
(Cleveland, Eastside Cleveland Warrensville 480)
🍓🍒💕2162103218 .💕🍭sweet petite blonde discreet safe discrt - 28
(Cleveland, Near newburgh hts and downtown)
------- ((( 100% satisfaction is my #1 priority )))----------- - 24
(Cleveland, West &East; Cleveland)
~100 Special~ DD Blonde!!! ~100 Special~ BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS ~ 100 Special ~ DD Blonde!! ~ 100 Special - 23
(Cleveland In/Out 24/7)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ♡# 1 Hottie In Town♡ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ♡Available ✔㏂✔㏘!! • FiRsT cLaSs @ It's Finest ✮ ✮ - 20
Your Sexy MILF next door..INCALL, Columbus - Hilliard..YES REAL PICS..Incall.. 4' 9", 85 lbs.♥ Kylee - 52
(Columbus, Columbus / Hilliard)
Yes, my pics are 100% real! I promise an exceptional sensuous encounter Always discreet & safe! - 48
(Youngstown, I accept Visa gift cards)
UP @!! NIgHT ©O®Nb®€aD F€D T€XaS TOa$T ®€aL BUtt€®MiLk BIS©UItS ( FiL€t MiGnOn ) - 23
Temptation Is Calling 2Night :) & I'm Here 2 Answer!! ;) - 22
(Columbus, West Columbus, Casino Area)
)*)*)*) Sexy Hong Kong Vivian (*(*(*(*(* Outcall Only 216-242-1223 ######### - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall Only)
WARNING :¦: C A N ' T :¦: G E T :¦: A N Y :¦: B E T T E R : 100 Incall Special - 25
(Cleveland, parma west in and out calls)
PorquitoEspanol~~~Exotic ☆☆☆☆☆ Egyptian ♡ Lady ♡♡♡♡♡ Up to Date Pictures♤♤♤♤♤♤ - 22
P L E A S U R E Z O - 21
(Cincinnati, outcall come to see you soon)