Mon 27 Jan
@@@@@@@@ Call 216-242-1224 Today )))) Classy ^^^ Singapore Diana ^^^ Friendly (((( - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall Only)
❤💕 (YOUR) 💕❤ (GONNA) 💕❤ (LOVE) 💕❤ (ME) 💕❤ With My Curvy Hips & Magic Lips You Can't Go Wrong - 20
WiLLie WonKa * WoULd LoVe 2 * HavE the * REciPE * 2 My CHoColATE * FaCtOrY!! - 24
(Mentor@rE@ In/OuTc@ll)
•:* THE¨¨*•- :¦:-•* SEXY¨¨*•- :¦:-•* GIRL¨¨*•- :¦:-•* NEXT¨¨*•- :¦:-•* DOOR *¨¨*:• 100$ S - 24
(Cleveland, Brookpark Rd. 480)
The girl next door 3137488963 mixed italian - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland and surrounding areas in/out)
Its hot outside today hav a glass of Lemonade!!!! - 21
(Cleveland, Warensville,bedford,maple,downtown)
ITS UP TO YOU!!! !!! !!!! !!! ANYTHING Goes F*CK BURER KING CoMe HaVe IT YoU WaY!!!!! - 23
(Airport area {24 HR INCALLS ONLY})
●○•ºIts Fendi the Latina MaMacitaº•○● →→ IM VERY OPEN MINDED ←← ♥♡♥Fetishes Welcomed♥♡♥ →COME PLAY← - 24
(Cleveland, incall by the airport)
🍎🍎🍎Extremely SEXY🍓 Kind - HEARTED Pleasure… 🍓 Kind - HEARTED PLEASURE!!! - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland / Independence)
✈ First ✈ CLASS ✈ flight ✈ TO ✈ PARADiSE ! ✈ ✈ 【100% REAL PIC】 - 5 ★ Star CUBAN MAMi - 23
(Cleveland, incall & Outcall)
experience amazing skills from a Classy, natural blonde Cougar - 44
(Cleveland, Incall .....some OUTCALLS wit hr.notice)
FaNcY RoZe' let me MakE It now ,45 min specials tonight only - 20
(Cleveland, westside incall & outcall)
•°•°•° ★ E X O T I C ! ★ S E N S U A L★•°•°•°•L U X U R Y ★★★★•°•°•° - 23
(Cleveland, Incalls @my place)
dont b shy come find out whats new in the wonderful world of chocolate paradise !!! - 23
(Cleveland, west)
((BuStY BeAuTy)) 42 {F} ArAbIc/ LaTiNa MiX ((Well Reviewed - ID 185338)) - 21
(Cleveland, *Lakewood)
BoMbSHELL╚» ♥ AvAliaBle NoW* Sexy Canadian CARMEN~!~!~! ( 5 ☆SeRv!Ce: ) ♥╚» EVERYTHING U NEED & MORE - 21
BLONDE barbie!! NEW VIDEO wearing lingerie Alex 216_925_8856 READY and AVAILABLE NOW - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown incall hotel)
Bigger Girls Do It Better! Find Out With Sexy BBW Sabrina's Summer Specials - 26
(Private West Side 44102)
✔ τħίcƈκ ✔ New pics Ꭿ�$60�ᎯExtoic☆ ϓUƲ ɖΘɴτ ħavε τΘ κεερ ιΘΘκίɴĢ & I'm here - 21
(Cleveland, outcalls (your place))
Blonde R More funn !💖💕 EVerything U want !no rush kiss me! Waiting for U - 21
(Cleveland, downtown area)
✔ τħίcƈκ ✔ ĵƲίƈϓ ✔ Ꭿ�$60�ᎯExtoic☆★☆ ϓUƲ ɖΘɴτ ħavε τΘ κεερ ιΘΘκίɴĢ & ⌨ ☆★☆ ίm Here - 21
(Cleveland, my place ♥)
BoYs PLAY WiTh TOYS and MeN PlAy WiTh THIS... 42 ' BoOty.. EARLYBIRD 60 / 80 / 130 SPECIAL - 27
(Cleveland, OUTCALL ONLY)
! 60$.specials BEAUTIFUL * ~ * EBONY * ~ * PLAYMATE *60$ * YOUR * ~ * DREAM * ~ * CUM * ~ * TRUE ! - 19
(independance 60$ specials tonight)
*60/80/150...OPEN 24hrs on MY BDAY "CoMe N SeE WhY they ALL ScReAm 4 CRE@M" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT!! - 29
(Cleveland, Incall IN Garfield Hts & OUTCALLS)
60 $pecials💙 (B U B B L E)💙(B O O T Y) & Busty💙Amazing MeMe💋Thick Azz Creamy Chocolate Treat! - 24
(Cleveland, Warrensville InCalls)
💜💜▬▬4 H and ▬▬💗◄► Best Relax Massage ▬▬【 NICE】Chinese Massage◄►⎝☎513-884-2339 🔲▬▬💗 - 24
(4124 E Galbraith Rd,Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cleveland)
330.445.0370 ★ CAUTION ★ HIGHLY ADDICTIVE ★ 100 Special ★ - 22
(Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lorain & Lake Outcalls)
120 flat rate.mke me screamu{i promise itll be well over worth it!} China (new pics*****) - 20
(Cleveland, cleveland{airport area}{incalls})
💖10'FF °©⚠•° !!!((CAUTION )) !!!°©⚠•° (( I'M A BADGiRL)) °©⚠•° (( I WANNA)) °©⚠•° ((D0 BAD 💖💎💋💋 - 25
(Cleveland, Westside)
100% Me Or iTs FrEe ★ !BLONDE! ★ *bLoNdE* ★ !BLONDE! _ _ (( LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy )) - 22
(Cleveland, (_(_( MENTOR )_)_))
100% real 100% satisfaction *~~Nautica~~* - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Wickliffe, Willoughby Heights)
☆ • • • ► • .★. • L✪ ✪K• .★. • ◄ • • • ☆Super hot Blonde - 24
(Cleveland, {{ INCALLS ONLY }} /// Brookpark rd ///)
With our Vivid name and your vivid looks, Make $100,000 a year w/o ever getting out of bed! ◄
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
----- GeT PAiD by ThE MINUTE.CoM ---- Call TODAY, Work Tonight. FULL TIME Positions ONLY! - 18
(Cleveland, USA)
New chick with new pics 💥💥💥come explore my wild side💥💥💥 XXXRATED style - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland Ohio)
_______ _________ _________ __________ WHAT IS YOUR FANTASY? __________ __________ _______ _________ - 22
(Youngstown, all areas)
*♛* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ *♛* - 22
(Cleveland, in/outcalls)
💛💙💜Up All Night & Ready For You!!! The Best Around **Dynamic Duo Call Now or Early Morning - 28
(Columbus, HILLIARD**💛💙IN & OUTCALL💋💗💋)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ sWeeT ♥▃▅▆█♥ PeTiTe ♥ █▆▅▃♥ PlaYMaTe♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
Special & a proof video! Accurate pics! Hassle drama free! Sexy cute smart and fun! In and outcall - 25
(Dayton, Independent safe Incall and outcall)