Mon 27 Jan
📗Booking For Tomorrow!! 🍭Daddy's lil 💋Bi-Racial Upscale PlayToy🍦🍧Sporty &Sexy;!🍭Book Now!! - 19
(Cleveland, Booking Appointments)
Blondes have all the fun, but dirty blondes are the ones. The candy shop is open lets play booooys.. - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side incalls/24/7)
Blonde Bombshell, Clevelands Very Own! Back Home! NOW UNTIL 19TH ! - 41
(Cleveland, Cleveland East and West)
BLONDE barbie!! NEW VIDEO wearing lingerie Alex 216_925_8856 READY and AVAILABLE NOW(sound works) - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown incall hotel)
°â¢Â°â¢Â° Black & Caribbean dream come tru. nxt 5calls 60hh NO REFLEX, FLEXABLE, SKWERTER - 21
(Cleveland, incall westside airport area)
✔ τħίcƈκ ✔ ĵƲίƈϓ ✔ Ꭿ�$60�ᎯExtoic☆★☆ ϓUƲ ɖΘɴτ ħavε τΘ κεερ ιΘΘκίɴĢ & ⌨ ☆★☆ ίm Here - 21
(Cleveland, my place ♥)
{{BiG BoOTy BeAuTy!!} } ___ *EXoTiC *EBONY __**AvAiLaBLe [aLL] NiGhT!!!** - 22
(***** DOWNTOWN Cleveland Incall******)
- : ¦ : - • * ° - : ¦ : - * BUSTY BRUNETTE * - : ¦ : - ° * • - : ¦ : - 30
(Cleveland, Shaker Heights/Cleveland)
Busty College Cuties! Visiting from California! New PICS!!! Special - 20
(Beachwood, Downtown UPSCALE!!!)
█ ▃ ▆ █ BUBBLE BOOTY & I KNOW Just How 2 THROW IT!!!★█ ▆ ▃ .. ██ Need To Let One Off ???
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
BoYs PLAY WiTh TOYS and MeN PlAy WiTh THIS... 42 ' BoOty.. EARLYBIRD 60 / 80 / 130 SPECIAL - 27
(Cleveland, OUTCALL ONLY)
better body.. better service, better rates. nothing but the best! real woman real companionship - 23
(Cleveland, westside)
**Big Booty &I; Can Make Your Fantacy Come True *** 100% Specails 65 - 21
(Cleveland, Miles Warrensville Lee rd Shaker)
BEST FACE N BODY Sophisticated Flawless++++ 100% REAL Florida Dream Girl - 21
(Cleveland, 480 & 77 In/Outcall)
Best in Cleveland... Aubri!!! 💋💋💋👌👌👑👑💰💰 OUTCALLS - 21
(Cleveland, Westside Cleveland Outcalls ONLY!!!)
•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• BEST OF BOTH WORLDS•:*¨¨*:•. CUBAN & ITALIAN $80 iNCALL SPCLS!♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 21
(Cleveland, WillOUGHBY/WillOUGHBY HillSz; CLEVELAND.)
•:*• ☆ ¨*:• * •❤ BEAUTIFUL YOUNG AND SEXY LATINA• * •❤ •:*• ☆ ¨*:• * 100% REAL PICS !!! CALL NOW !! - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland East And West)
!!*¨* BUSTY ..*¨¨*. BoMBShELL .*¨¨* IS READY *¨¨*. PETITE BLONDE - 23
(Cleveland, downtown area IN/OutCalls)
_50_50_50 lorain incall cleveland out _50_ juicy BBW chocolate treat _50 - 22
5. :*¨¨*:. STAR. :*¨¨*:. Blonde Barbie .:*¨¨*:. 5 .:*¨¨*: .STAR.:*¨¨*:. - 19
(west cleveland incall only)
$40 SpeCiALs til 12a...I'M the GiRL on BP that is 2nD to NONE BCUZ 5MIN w/ME & YouR AZZ is DONE - 28
💚💋 [36 c] [125lbs] ✨✨ [E][X][O] [T][I][C] 💕💚💕 [MiXeD] ✨✨ [N][A][U][G] [H][T][Y] 💚💋__ 💎 - 19
(Cleveland, Airport Incall)
36DD's Catering To OLDER DISTINGUISHED Gentleman!!! 50+ $100 SPECAILS 330-907-9223 - 37
$70★IRRESISTIBLY T¡GHT Kitten & Flexible Legs ★ KINKY Slim BLONDE Playmate - 20
(Cleveland, Independence-Your Place Or Mine)
$60/80/140- REAL BEAUTY @ It's FINNEST ★°* HiGhLy SkIlLeD ♚♡♚ 1000% REAL OR FREE ♛★♛★ E_Y_E_ CANDY! - 20
(Cleveland, 4 STAR In Call/Out Calls Welcomed!!!!!)
5☆ °•★•° °o©• {INCALL SPECIAL} °o☆©• ☆ °o©• {5☆ SERVICE} °o☆©• ☆ °o©• {INCALL SPECIAL} °o©• °•★•° 5☆ - 24
(Cleveland, UPSCALE CLE. IN & OUTCALL ☎№234-759-1949)
$40/80/140 ^^^ 1000% Extremly Sexy Kinky LATIN LOVER >>> Barely Any Limits - 20
(Cleveland, Upscale East In Call/Out Calls Welcomed!)
$50 SPECIALS *Reese* 24/7 In&Outcalls; ChOcoLaTE&& ReAdY - 19
(Cleveland, Cuyahoga County & Cleveland, Ohio)
50/60 $pecials ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ 【LeT's】▬✿★✿▬ 【MAkE】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ 【YoUR】▬✿★✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ 【BEcOmE】▬✿★✿▬【REALitY】 - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland incalls Available now!!)
40qvNew In Town... CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦🌹•-:¦:T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪ut - 22
(Cleveland, Warrensville Heights)
{42 DDD}100.oo SPECIAL with ~~~ArAbIc DomInIcAn MiX~~~ ***sParkLe*** - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland/lorain/anywhere)
2Heads Are Better Than 1, Double The Pleasure, Triple The Fun!! 216✦882✦0735✦ - 21
(Cleveland, broadway(IN) Surrounding Areas(OUT))
60🌹100🌹150🌹Your favorite Dominican playmate fetish friendly and NEW IN AREA😘💋👅💦🌹 - 18
(Airport,brookpark,euclid, Cleveland)
$60_█▀▀▄█🙋⭐ 💓{ $60 SPECIAL!!} 👀BEST LOOKING 👀 😘THE ULTIMAtE TREAt😋🍭💋 COME SEE ME NOW!! $60 - 22
💋 24/7 💋 Mrs. SaRaH 💋 💋 LoRaiN Co. oUtCALL CleVeLanD (Locally KnoWN & AppReciaTeD ) 💋 💋 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain Co. Cleveland WEST OUTCALLS only)
25% OFF>>> Until Dec. 22 ONLY>>> Here is the Christmas SPECIAL you have been waiting for!! - 21
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights/Outcall Everywhere)
60💖100💖140 true skills✔👌 always amazing💋 I'll be your favorite girl💦💯 - 19
(Cleveland, Lakewood incall)
60$ SPECIALS 🍰Until 7am💋LAST Night TODAY Show me something Fellas Im hella FUN NEVER a dull MOMENT - 20
(Cleveland, incalls)
💜💜▬▬4 H and ▬▬💗◄► Best Relax Massage ▬▬【 NICE】Chinese Massage◄►⎝☎513-884-2339 🔲▬▬💗 - 24
(4124 E Galbraith Rd,Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cleveland)
$25off Reviewers (CLICK-HERE) SuP€r • S€x¥ D0LL _FaC€d_ CuT€ -N- A READY100 180 - 20
💋(-50-) 💋💦 Curvaceous , Freaky , Chocolate TreaT 💦 💋(-50-)💋 - 23
(Cleveland, In lorain CoUntY & Out Cleve WEST💦 (50)💦)
5 StAr SeRvIcE **Specials 2p-11p** CoMe & See WHY My SKILLS R A1 & ThEsE HATIN B**CHES R 2ND 2 NONE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
38 DDD's on the east side..mature games..$85 special today! great reviews on TER - 39
(East side/mentor)
216-925-8856 Sexy Alex back DOWNTOWN in apartment READY and AVAILABLE - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown apartment)
(Cleveland, Local iN & OUT)
5O Kisses Sit Down Special Cupcake's BBW White Bleached Blond West Side My Place Only 2l6-25l-l7O3 - 34
(Cleveland, Cleveland & Lakewood area by i9O or i7l)
50 OUTCALLs 50 Mrs Sarah on her way to warm you up DaddY ! Lorain co. West Cleveland all areas 50 *~ - 23
(Cleveland, In lorain out Cleve west side 😜👅💦 50)