Sat 04 Jan
Very CLASSY *** Super SEXY *** Ebony VIXEN - Available NOW ! - 21
|WELL REVIEWED| puerto rican STACII DASH!limited time |ONLY| - 19
(Cleveland, Willoughby and surrounding areas)
-:¦:- T-H-E -:¦:- B-E-S-T (70Ro$e $pecial)-:¦:- U E-V-E-R -:¦:- H-A-D -:¦:- - 21
(Cleveland, Incalls Only/Beachwood Area)
💦SoakeD MaTTreSS?💋 BoTTomLeSS PiT? LotS of SaLiVa 💦 - 25
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Sandusky, Your safe private home- OUTCALLS ONLY)
specials!!!! 50🌹80🌹120🌹Your favorite Dominican playmate fetish friendly and NEW IN AREA😘💋👅💦🌹 - 18
(Cleveland, euclid,downtown,airport,westside)
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆ SeXx¥ ◆ pLaYFuLL &◆ BRUneTte*◆ BOmbSheLL◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 24
(Cleveland, Outcalls only)
°* S E X X Y __ E B o N Y __ B O M b S H e L L !!!* __ *( AVAiL ABLE °**° NOW ) !!°* - 20
(Beachwood Incalls)
Our Last Days and Time on Backpage/Cops Spot - Too Many Cops on Here - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland, OH)
** NO GAMES NO B/S ** **** All Nite All day *** *** OUTCALLS AVI. - 24
(Cleveland, WILLOUGHBY,MENTOR all area Outcalls)
** NEW** 46 DD dark and lovely chocolate ebony treat for the new year - 24
(Cleveland, south east suburbs by I 480 I 271)
Majesty got the right hips lips n the size don't miss out top to the bottom - 21
(Cleveland, ever where out calls east west in calls)
I Got Skills That Will Amaze U...What are waiting for?? ☏ ₵αℓℓ τΗε βεsτ Puerto Rican FREAK ηθϖ ☏ - 22
💞💖💗ExOtIc Ts▐ No RuSh▐█ Heavy ShOoTeR▐ ✖✖✖ FrEaKy✖N@UGHTY✖GiRL ✖✖✖▐ ██ 100% REAL██ - 21
(Cleveland, West-side/ all of Cleveland)
❌❌ 💦💦👅 💥👅💦💦 FETISH FRIENDLY 👄❌❌ 👅╠╣UNG 8in FF 💦💦👄 ❌❌❌ PARTY GIRL👄👅 💥👅HEAVY LOADS👄 - 20
(Cleveland, Westside private location)
Dream's Pure Pleasure 216-704-2853( call now) - 24
(Cleveland, Northfield rd In call/outcalls east &w;)
Early Bird Specials...Don't Cheat yourself Treat Yourself...Sexy, Natural Blonde Cougar - 41
(Cleveland, East / West Out Call Only)
▒▒ ██████████ ▒▒ ▬▬ §W€€T ♥ €§CÅP€ ▬▬▒▒ ██████████ ▒▒ - 23
(Cleveland, Private EAST INCALL LOCATION 90/271/2)
WiTh mE __ YoU ArE ? ? GU@R@NTEED To LeAvE hAppY ? ? __ iTs TrUe __ ChecK mY reVIEWs !! - 21
(AirPorT AreA __ 24hr InCaLL)
«««W€++ @nd W¡£D $p€¢¡@£s »»» 80 Ro$€ out call special INCALL & OUT CALL - 28
(Cleveland, outcall Cleveland/maple incall)
Visiting YOUR town! T👅p specialist! M💋uth like a Hoover! 🌹Anastasia🌹 3134621162 Outcalls Avail - 27
(Cleveland, Euclid Ave)
65-$80 Thick @ Juicy >>>>>> JAZZMINE CAndyShop°°°°° 2162035514 - 26
(Cleveland, CLEVE-West Oldbrooklyn my place safe@hon)
*** A Boys Wish- A Husband Secret- A Mans Fantasy***** Top Reviews - 21
*** YouR * A * FooL * IF * YoU * MisS * ThiS * ApriL * SpeciaL *** PRE-EXISTING * CLIENTS * ONLY*** - 30
Sinfully Sweet Jesse Girl*** Call Me, I'm Waiting For You!*** - 39
(Columbus, west columbus, near Hilliard)
Body Rubs and Fetish Play by Hollywood Beautiful Women! MUST EXPERIENCE TO BELIEVE!!! - 30
(Downtown West)
(¯`♥´¯) S_M_¤_K_i_N :¦: ☼ H_¤_T ☼ :¦: B_R_u_N_e_T_T_e (¯`♥´¯) - - 23
(Cleveland, independence, incall only!)
**** Our Style **** Will **** Drive **** You **** Wild **** Two Hot GFE Bombshells - 20
(Cleveland Inde, In/Outcalls SPECIALS)
NEW!! 😘shes a very freaky girl 💦 call me NOW 2064077219 📲((big BOOTY on duty)) 👏👏 - 22
(Cleveland, outcall baby)
I have to BE the BEST I can't 👀 any COMPETITION ...... 😜😜 outcall specials - 21
(Cleveland, INCALL/OUTCALL wickcliff)
great fun *** *** leave *** WITH A SMILE "call now" $100 specials - 23
(Cleveland, East suburbs incall (orange/beachwood))
** GoRgEouS FaCe!! ** HOTT BoDy!! ---- By FAR HOTTEST aROuNd ---- CALL NOW - 23
(Cleveland, beachwood incall/outcalls)
_______ --- Follow The Clues: Ouzo And Souvlaki, Socrates And Plato, Mykonos And Crete --- ______ - 39
(Cleveland, Independence)
Dont WorriE BOut THE OTherS~Sonya~ is Here FoR U~New Number~ - 21
(Cleveland, WestSide/ Outcalls Availible)
[[BREAKING]] ❤ [[ ALL ]] ❤ [[ THE❤ RULES ]] ❤ [[TODAY]]- - 20
(Mentor/Willoughby incall/out)
best of both worlds ( Must See ) 100$ a hour all night 2163126485 💦💯👑🌹🍒💳💰 - 22
(Cleveland, eastside incall outcall only)
*^* {(AmAzInG )} *** {{SwEeT}} *~* [[SeXy]] *~* and ((SiMpLy the BeSt)) *~ ((INCALL /OUTCALL)) - 25
➖👯 All NATURAL 👯 ➖➖.ღ. HiGHLY SkiLLEd .ღ. ➖➖☆ ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous ✰$50💋 Pure Pleasure Awaits♡ - 23
100 Hr SPECIAL *ALL NIGHT LONG/Morning *Will Come To U Very Quickly *100 Hr SPECIAL *216-245-2216 - 28
120 roses special ****** NEW petite BABY DOLL ******** VENUS** 216*956*8100 - 19
(cleveland eastside right off 480)
Only One Call Away!!! So DON'T MISS out!!! DESSA👑❤👑❤ - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland Westside & Surrounding Suburbs)
-:¦:- T-H-E -:¦:- B-E-S-T -:¦:-Y-O-U -:¦:- E-V-E-R -:¦:- H-A-D -:¦:- -23 - 23
[...🌟...] T •🌟 • R •🌟• U •🌟• E [...🌟...] B •🌟•E •🌟• A •🌟• U •🌟• T •🌟• Y [...🌟...] - 24
(Cleveland, Outcalls all night)
**** Sweet Honey *** I Will Get Sticky*** Well reviewied - 21