Thu 02 Jan
SEXxY———————— ((———°——— *N—e—W* ———°—BRUNETTE * ———°——— *SEXY DOLL * ———° ———)) - 21 - 24
(Cleveland, independence)
Sexual Seduction is Back And READY TO PLAY 216-205-2177 Call now - 23
(Cleveland, West cleveland in&outcalls;)
🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎School Teacher u always wanted 🍎🍎🍎 Ms Amy V Littlenut is here 📝🍎📚📎📏📐🌰🌰🌰 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Westside Eastside locations)
Satisfaction Guaranteed! Get What U Pay For!614-772-5432# - 24
(Columbus, North private res. South Westerville)
s i m p l y...S E X Y....erotic...v e r y..A d d i c t i n g...B o m b s h e l l... - 22
(Cleveland, incall available now)
▓ SeDuCtIvE █- new - [ MuLaTo ] ♥ [ CaNdY ] - new -█ 100% PaSSiOnAtE ▓ - 20
(Cleveland, ღ :.. {{B£ACHWOOD}} ..: ღ)
💞💋Petite Southern Beauty DAKOTA wants to show you what southern hospitality is all about - 30
(Akron/Canton, akron and surronding areas)
★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ PETITE★•°o°•★ BURNETTE ★•°o°•★ - 30
(Cleveland, SLAVIC VILLAGE ~ OFF I 77 ~)
I Strive To Ensure That You Will Recieve A Non-Rushed Hassle Free Experience !! [HOLLY] 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Ms. Lady & Diamonde (Incalls & Outcalls) Spring Specials - 26
(Cleveland, E 185th @ I-90 Were-OpenMinded)
Morning, Afternoon and Evening Delight anyone??? Come on Over and Treat Yourself !!! - 49
Come ovr & get ur xmas eve cheer,I will leave u smilling ear2ear. Red lipstick 2night on ur fly! - 28
(Cleveland, West)
▓ ▒ 🔥.• M!XED FREAK•.🔥 ▒ ▓ ☆I ☆LⓞVⓔ ☆WHAT ☆I ☆ÐO ☜❤☞☆⇨!NCALL ⇨SPEC!AL⇨ ❗❗❗ - 23
(Cleveland, EasT cleveland Downtown)
♥ MUy CALienTe ★ S.E.X.Y. JUiCy PUerTo RiCan DoLL★[[100% REAL ]] ★iTs PLay TiMe PaPi ♥ - 22
(Cleveland, Westside incalls/ outcalls all suburbs)
MiD - WeeK CREEP U no WhAt tHAt MeaNs (( H*MPDaY HooKuP )) CaNt U get AwAy & PLaY (( $100 sPeCiAlS - 18
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
""""""";; My last night""""""" come try me Puerto Rican Dominican Mami""""" - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland an surrounding areas)
**Kings Im Back...and with Specials** A1 Freaky Female w/A1 SKILLZ...I'mMm Da BeSt & 4Get Da ReSt! - 29
(Beachwood, cleveland)
♥ ☆¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ LeT mE ★BE YouR ★SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ - ♥ +216 262 4069 - 21
(Cleveland, West 117th Incall & Outcall)
→→JuIcY & griPpInG←← vErY oPeN mInDeD ♥♡♥ KiNkY lAtInA rEaDy FoR aLl FeTiShEs♥♡♥ - 24
(Cleveland, Beachwood upscale incall)
Those Other Ads R FAKE? ✔ Pick Me ✔ IM 1000% REAL #1 SLOPPY 💦 Lip Service ..420Party Girl ( PROOF) - 24
(Cleveland, I-90 West ( West 90th) Denison Ave ALONE)
The best Ts. experience... I'm sexy thick busty and hung what more could you want 120 hr special - 25
(Cleveland, Slavic village)
█▓█✿ •✿ HOT✿• •✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ █✿• •✿VIP✿• •✿█▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ •✿•REDHEAD• ✿•█▓█
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
Are you Tired of the Girl They Cant Get HArd. . . Come See Me. . .TS Nicole Swallows - 20
(Westside Suburbs)
I can make a better rain shower than outside💦💕Sweeter than Sweetest day itself..Call me NoW! - 19
(Cleveland, airport incall/outcall)
Hi :) Trans Celeste here again having transportation issues so offering discounted prices for pic up - 21
(Cleveland, Lakewood/Cleveland)
EXxXot!C M!XeD EBoNY V!XxXeN!* {{*G*F*E*}} *Dr!pP!nG W*e*T * ~P0RNSt*R SKiLLS~ Great Reviews!!! - 20
Extremely Attractive !!! Young! Hot! & Ready Now! Outcall Specials - 21
(Cleveland, Greater Cleveland)
CALL CALL ° Gorgeous Hot Sexy Rican ~~ 100% ~~ Worth Wild - °°°°★°° - 20
(Cleveland, 24hr INCALL BEACHWOOD)
Who wants to get my nipples pierced??? - 27
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, OUTCALLS ONLY CLEVELAND ohio, Sandusky)
BuBbLe BuTt aMaZiNg SkiLlS eXCeLLeNt SeRViCe uNBeaTaBLe RaTeS - 21
Big Announcement For Returning Friends Only--Courtesy Of Mz. Tiffany
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
°☆[ Âb§OLut€Ly ] ══ ☆°☆ ══ [ ÂmÂzInG] ══☆°☆══☆ [1OO% R€ÂL] ══☆══ SEXY LiL COLLEGE GIRL ☆═════
(Cleveland, Outcalls Only)
BEAUTIFUL {SUPER} {SEXY} BABE ****** OPEN MINDED ***** WAITING 4 YOU ***** Great OUTcall Specials - 31
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS ONLY)
* BIG BooTy CUTIE * A SweeT TreaT WiT PriceS U Can'T Beat * Hh/80 Hour/120 - 18
(Cleveland, Gu@r@nteed 2 Le@ve :-) :-) Airport Area)