Mon 27 Jan
$W*TT U n YoUr BeD Up!!!.100$ SpecIaL OuTCaLL W*TT N WiLd WeNsDaYz!!!! XoXo!!!PICS 10000% ME - 22
(Cleveland, *•.❤ ▒ WILLOUGHBY AREA▓ *❤*)
____ WiLD __ FreAKy__ iNdian__ bLaCK __bReeD ____CuM pLaY WitH Me NOw....... - 23
Y_O__U__R_ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E - 22
(Cleveland, Westside)
**XENA ☆**SPECIALS**💋💋 (( REAL PIX! )) _*1OO% ME!* ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C E ★ - 23 INCALLS ONLY!! - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland outcall/ lorain county incalls)
Your dream come true. Hot sexy blonde just a call away!! Real & no b.s. Independent - 27
(Cleveland, South West Cleveland Airport)
*£xotic~busty [Killer mouth skills] sexy white girl√50 rose Specials - 24
*[T.H.I.C.K ]* *[S.E.X.Y]* *[L.A.T.I.N.A]* ★ *HoT ReAdY ★ * AVaILAbLe NoW - 25
(Cleveland, ✿ BeAchWooD ✿)
[ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] ★ K!NkY ★ EXoT!C ★ CuT!E ★ - - 21
(Cleveland, Outcalls Only/Surrounding Areas)
♥¤¤two beautiful playmates¤¤♥ 2 is better than one♥¤¤NO TEXTING¤¤♥→→↑↑↑↓↓↓←← - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland airport area)
Touch my Body, Do whatever, Have your Way! SASHA sensual blk. female Daily Discounts! - 27
(( T.H.I.C.K )) ((L.A.T.I.N.A)) :-: 1OO :-: $.P.E.C.I.A.L.S :-: Open Minded :-: F.R.E.A.K - 25
(Cleveland, ++ BEACHWOOD ++)
✰ The STAR Of Your FANTASY {Snow Day SPECIALS} ItaLiaN HoTTiE w/ A SmoKiN HoTT BoDy ✰ - 24
(Cleveland, ♥ Airport Area. Snow Day SPECIALS)
TUESDAY Body rubs by Jackie and 90 -half hour and 120 hour massage rate - 30
(Cleveland, North Olmsted Ohio)
Try Lady or Dymond ★★★ In-Call & Out-Call Specials ★ Ready Now - 24
(Cleveland, East 185/Off I-90/Very Open-Minded)
**** TOo Can Show U Better Than 1****** Specails 120 Diamond&Tianna; 100% Real - 21
(Cleveland, Euclid/152nd/warrensvil/westsid/Shaker h)
** TRY my BUTTER CUP** call me now MS BUTTER CUP 216-647-3387 - 23
This Cougar has no holds barred specials today til 5pm! 100 100 100 100 100 100 100! - 39
TRuLy AMaZiNG . .· ´¯*★ YoU MeET ME YOu WouLD'Nt 4GeT MEE . .· ´¯*★ ExXoTiC((LiMiTeD TiMe)) - 19
(Cleveland, WEST)
~~~~~ The MOST TEMPTING Blonde On Here ;-) ~~~~~ (440)396-4400 - 30
(Cleveland, 480 and Tiedemen or 90 and w 117th)
THE Only OPTION When U N33D Pure SATIFACTION !!!!! 313 523 3899 ~ 27/4~ - 19
( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )┣▇▇▇═─ { TREAT } √v^√v^√♥ ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) - 25
Tonight ONLY .... special.... 80 roses un. rushed. half hour - 24
(Cleveland, clevelandagleyairport area)
Tis the Season for Giving..and I LOVE Giving! Visiting Col/Clev (5-9th) - 41
(Cleveland, Columbus, Columbus/Cleveland)
(((The Real Deal))) & Im good to the very last drop ((($80hrs))) a FREAKY wakeup lol - 21
(W.CLEVELAND ohio city area)
THE CANDY SHOP IS OPEN © 4 girls to choose from... No drama 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland outcall only)
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ** { Tight } ** { } ** { Sexy } ** ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ** {{ MOCHA}} - 22
(I 480 & 77 { my private place })
•°♥°♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ NEW TO THE CITY° ♥ ° ♥ CHOCOLATE PINKKY ! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ •Stacey ♥440 915 8868 - 19
(Cleveland, 90 east,eastlake,306,271,rt2, INCALL)
*New pixz!TRUST!😍😘😉💦💦You wont find anyone better than madison!!from Hudson,oh you will love me - 21
(Cleveland, northfield)
* One of a kind - red hair and green eyes ;) come let me rock your world! * - 25
(Columbus, Airport)
NiCE ROUNd bOOtY* ((PeRFECT TiTS)) *PReTTY fACE*((KinKy ) Blonde 1day only - 25
(Cleveland, westside incall outcalls also)
NEW to your city {{{{{{Big Booty }}}}}}}}Small waist cute in the face HOT! - 25
(Cleveland, West side near 117)
New to CLEVELAND and BACKPAGE love to meet new & fun and wild! CALL 786-474-5052 - 21
(Beachwood. Incall only)
New to BP. 44DD, long tanned legs and movie star looks. LOOK AT MY PIXS. - 25
(Cleveland, SW cleveland suburb)
°o♥ (D3$T!NY @W@!T$) ★ ($M!LE) °★ (9O $PEC!@L) ★ (Y0UR F@NT@$Y) °o♥ - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio; Private; Destiny; 24/ 7)
♥ NEW ViSiTOR (♥) LaTiNa L♥VeRs #1 ChoiCe!! ::H0t & READy:: ♥ tWO DAy ViSit*▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland ::iNCALL:: (North Olmsted))
📢New Pics📸 🍭 80 hh specials 🍭 100% real pics 💄 discrete & naughty 👅💋 t!ght grip 🐚🌊 - 24
(Cleveland, Outcalls only)
***NeW PiCs *** eXoTiC pRiNcEsS the BaDeSt **Specials** - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrouning areas)
**** Newest To The Bp World Miss Chevy w/ Cookie** {} crystals - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas)