Mon 27 Jan
🌹💘💘SEXY SWEET & DISCREET..$$ specials today call now 🌹💘💘 - 26
(Cleveland, Local in and out call off 77)
★ __**[[[* [S][e][X][y] *AsIaN* [d][O][l][l] Up aLL ... *NiGht* ... CaLL mE! *]]]**__ ★ - 22
(Middleburg Heights/Airport Area)
R♣O♣Y♣A♣L - T♣R♣E♣A♣T♣ M♣E♣N♣T-- 22 NEW PLaymate!! SPECIALS!!! $75 $$$ - 22 - 22
(Cleveland, EAST SIDE (fleet area) /Incall)
☆ Hot Young Italian Eag3r 2 Pl3as3 ☆ ○ Let Me Treat You Like A KING ○ - 19
(█My Bed OR Yours Up Late █)
°° °° S W E E T B U S T Y B R U N E T T E . . $ 6 0 S P E C I A L S °° °° - 22
(local in and 77)
Ready&waiting;! You want IT? YOU got it! 😘 Open to almost ANYTHING! 2162454840 - 27
(Cleveland, West)
(βαRβ¡ε) (☎₵αℓℓ τΗε βεδτ ηθϖ☎) •°oO (θuτ©@ℓℓ§) •°oO (NθW ᗩVᗩ¡ℓᗩBℓ€) •°oO ( 216 245 2775 ) •°oO ツ ♔☆ - 25
R U Ready 2 Have Some Fun!! Special $160/Incall $200/Outcall All Day And Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence or Outcall/ur place)
NEW TO AREA *:• * UPSCALE Cutie On duty •anthing goes•:*: *SuPeR FrEaK Of The WeEK •:*:• - 25
(Cleveland, airport area)
→NeW pIcS←♥CoMe PlAy In My WaTeRfAlL♥ ¤¤JuICy & ReAdY¤¤♥ ¤¤CeRtIfIeD fReAk¤¤ ♡lAtInA mAmAcItA♡ - 24
(Cleveland, Airport area 24h incall)
NEW NEW NEW ; █ ★ S E X Y ; █ █ █ - 21
(Cleveland, Independents / cleveland/ in + outcalls)
*:*NEW PICS*:* THiCk CuTiE w/An "ApPLe BoTToM Booty" that U CaN'T ReSisT (5 STaR SeRvIcE) SpEciALs - 29
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding suburbs)
NEW. Short & Cute✨ FREAKY/ Mixed black & white Beauty 💎Gorgeous green eyes❤️ ⭐ specials⭐ - 20
(BEACHWOOD/271 incall outcall, Cleveland)
NEW!!! [[ OPEN MINDED ]] ♥ [[ BLONDE TREAT ]] ♥ [[ VERY SWEET ]] - 18
NEW CLIENTS!!! _____ Come _____Tour ___this___ KINKY & FREAKY!! ___ LIFE-SIZE BARBIE!! - 19
(Cleveland, **WiLlOuGhBy aReA****{{ INCALL/OUTCALL}})
new *{EXOTIC}* babe mixed ☆ DOMINICAN ☆ doll limited *{TIME}* only - 21
(Cleveland, ◆ B3@CHWoOD ◆)
★¸. '´¯ NeW ¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ BLONDE ¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ TrEaT ¯`'.¸ ★ - 21
(Cleveland, ♥°×××° AIRPORT area °×××°♥)
(¯`'• New In Town •'´¯) (¯`'• BUSTY 36DD DIRTY BLONDE BAD GIRL •'´¯) (¯`'• Sexy Specials •'´¯) - 22
New kid on the block-Better than the energizer bunny & I Rarely say No-440-412-9403 - 20
$%$ My body iz Ur P@®ty $%$ call me Cho¢ol@†e R@in a.k.a. Mz. W@†£® Wo®k$ @ 216★466★7328 - 24
(Cleveland, eastide in/ out 2 u)
Mz pretty 216-647-3834-cleveland/ lee and Harvard area - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ lee and Harvard area)
NEW!! 2GiRlS/Splz ☆NÂUGHT¥ ☆ExtreMely JUICY!! ☆R€ÂП TÕ §ÂTi§F¥ ★$100/SPLZ!! - 20 - 20
*-* N e W *-* SnoWbUnniE *-*Real CurvEs *-* PreTTy FacE *-* Low Rates *-* Long Haired *-* N e W *-* - 23
(Cleveland, lorain county incall & outcalls evrywhR)
** Mz.Pink ** Amazing specials all week ** Cleveland ** 216-322-6821** - 20
(Cleveland, East Cleve superior incall 24/7)
NEW exotic BRUNETTE beauty!!! ☆ ALWAYS READY!!! ☆ AVAILABLE 24-HRS!!! - 22
(Cleveland, ☆ BeAcHwOoD ☆)
New 80-Barbie Avalible Now 2162459753 -NO RUsH Special- - 23
(Cleveland, incall willoughby 80special 480/271/90)
🌹🌹🌹Mz.Slim 🌹🌹🌹 💯 Real And Ready To Please 🌹🌹🌹 Call Me (Incalls&Outcalls; Available Now) - 23
(Cleveland, Incall (East))
my loving touch will relax you
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
mmmm delicious exotic delight! LAUREN.. I'm Sexy, Fun, Friendly and Very skilled. fantastic reviews - 24
(Cleveland, west)
Mouth Watering *❤** S. T. U. N. N. I. N. G . *❤*° CuTie WitH SmAcKable BoOty * - 23
(____ **AiRpOrt ArEa**____)
Looking For Something DIFFERENT ? [HOLLY] $100 Mature, Professional & Real 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Mimi😍🔥 your favorite playmate💯😘 100% real 📷✨ discreet 👌 unrushed fun😌 INCALLS ONLY! - 20
(Cleveland, Superior area)
L€@V!NO S○○N♡•❣SLÏP Iñťô MŸ T!GhŤ GR!P ♡•❣ Skilled Lips Let's GëŢ ŤH!§ PärtŸ STärŤËÐ♥ ♡•❣ - 28
(Cleveland, 🍹🌹 WEST AIRPORT AREA🍹🌹)
***Melt in Your Mouth...Sexy Ebony Mistress*** Come Get A Taste of heaven*** - 23
(Cleveland, Beachwood/Cleveland/west)